It has been said that "Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." It is my goal to choose wisely, the bits of light I share. This blog is a collection of spiritual sunshine - useful to the mind, body, and soul as we explore and experience life on this planet. Nothing I do in the time I spend here could fulfill me more than to provide a small bit of light for my beautiful children and others who choose to read. This is my seed.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Fight For Freedom
"It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion
will legislate its creed into law
if it acquires the political power to do so."
- Robert A. Heinlein -
Never take for granted the freedoms you enjoy, and be willing to fight for them - to raise a vitriolic voice in defense of your rights and the rights of others. There are those on our planet who hide themselves behind marbled podiums, inside gold encrusted cathedrals, who shroud themselves with the transparent vestiges of charitable deeds, and regurgitate the rhetoric of good will towards men, while lining their swollen coffers with the meager pennies of widows. These are Christian vampires who would fatten themselves upon the consumption of the most basic of human dignities - our own opinions.
Religious rule of governments must never be given life in our societies again. As an international community, let us have the foresight and ambition to awaken now from slumber and actively protest the filth of righteous indignation. We can give a fresh start to the future in the heart of a child. Teach them well, and guard their minds as the crown jewels of our human race. We will make a better tomorrow, as we live to fight forever.
"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider to be God-fearing and pious."
~ Aristotle in 343 BCE
Hold fast to logic. Never abandon reason. Think before you believe.
With All My Love,
I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!
~ Rev. Jerry Falwell
Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society.
~ D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries and Bush Advisor.
I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the constitution, but I believe that it is a lot easier to change the constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do ....
~ Mike Huckabee, Republican Candidate for President 2008
Americans must be Christocrats - citizens of both their country and the Kingdom of God, and that is not a democracy. That is a theocracy. That means God is in control, and you are not.
~ Rod Parsley, Supporter of John McCain for President 2008
Our purpose for Campus Crusade for Christ at the Air Force Academy is to make Jesus Christ the issue at the Air Force Academy and around the world. They're government paid missionaries when they leave here.
~ Scot Blom, Director of Campus Crusade for Christ / Air Force Academy
I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good.... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism.
~ Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue
The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.
~ Rev. Jerry Falwell
After the Christian majority takes control, pluralism will be seen as immoral and evil and the state will not permit anybody the right to practice evil.
~ Gary Potter, President of Catholics for Christian Political Action
The Christian community has a golden opportunity to train an army of dedicated teachers who can invade the public school classrooms and use them to influence the nation for Christ.
~ D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries and Bush Advisor
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